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Gran's box

My friends and I had just left a party at a local bar, and we were walking back to my house, seeing how it wasn't too far away from where we were. On our way back, we happened to come across a small lot sandwiched between two apartment buildings that was filled with black garbage bags and piles of tires. Rich proposed going in, and after a few minutes of consideration, Dennis and I agreed. Obviously, there's nothing special, or fun, about a rotten-smelling junkyard, but we were a bit drunk, so the idea seemed great at the time. We decided to play a game called 'King of the Hill' on the fort of tires that stood before us. Basically, we were just pushing each other off of the top. After a while of climbing up, and falling down, a pile of tires in an idiotic attempt of having fun, we took a break by sitting against one of the dumpsters that stood near the entrance. As I tried to get a hold of my breath, I gazed around the small dump, and noticed something I failed to spot out before. There was a white grocery bag hanging from the fence in the back corner of the junkyard. I figured that someone tried to throw it over, but it got caught on the fence on its way down.The bag seemed to be filled with something. It had blocky edges poking out from all sides. I know something as plain as a grocery bag isn't much, but it still intrigued me. 'Hey,' I said as I nudged Rich, who happened to be sitting next to me,'Look over there.'Dennis leaned out behind Rich, and looked towards where I was pointing. 'So, it's just a few rips. No one's gonna care about whether or not the bags are torn.' Said Rich. He was pointing out the tears our shoes had left in the trash bags when we played our little game. 'No, the grocery bag hanging from the fence.' I said, 'So?' 'Well, it's filled with something.' 'And?' Said Dennis. I shrugged, 'Don't you guys wanna know what's inside?' 'No,' Rich chuckled, 'It's just trash, man.' 'What if it was something like jewelry?' I said as I stood, and made my way towards the grocery bag. 'You're just gonna find a dead cat in there, dude!' Dennis hollered as I struggled to climb the mound of garbage bags that blocked my path. His sentence was followed by the two of them laughing. I didn't really care what they had to say. I was just a bit curious, that's all. Once I made it to the other side, I reached for the grocery bag and grabbed it. Inside of it was a whole bunch of cassette tapes, and an old Walkman. 'No way, you guys gotta see this.' I called to my friends, 'Did you find the leprechaun's gold?' Rich mocked, 'Hold on, I'm coming.' Hastily, I climbed the pile of trash and walked back to where they were sitting. 'Look at this.' I held the bag open, letting Rich and Dennis view it's contents. I pulled out a tape and read it's label, 'Journal entry one,' I pulled out another, ' Entry three.' I read, 'No way, it's someone's diary.' Said Dennis. 'I wonder why they threw it away.' I said, 'Probably because they realized how stupid they were for keeping a diary.' Said Rich. 'Whatever,' I dropped the bag on the ground,' It's one in the morining, we should be heading back.' 'Woah woah woah,' Said Dennis, as he snatched the bag up from the pavement,' What the hell are you doing, man? Don't you guys wanna listen to these?' 'Well, it could be a bit funny.' Said Rich 'Journal entry one,' Started Dennis in a stereotypical british voice,' I walked my dog, BonBon, today at the park and came a across a rather odd squirrel.' I laughed, 'Dennis, you're such an ass. Fine, lets take them with us.' We left the junkyard, and continued to walk down the street towards my house. I remember how excited I was to listen to those tapes. Stupid, I know, but the thought of listening to someone's personal life sounded interesting to me. Once we arrived at my house, I unlocked the door, and immediately walked towards the dining room. Dennis set the bag down in the center of the table and pulled out the Walkman, as three of us grabbed ourselves a seat. Eager to hear what it had to say, I siezed the first tape, put it in, and pressed play. I was su
